We're leaving on a jet plane...
But we do know when we'll be back again...
But we do know when we'll be back again...
Here's a bunch of the pilgrimage group ready & waiting at the San Francisco Airport on our way to Paris!
Denny, Sandy, Ike, & Mary...
Kay & Mike killing time til we fly away!
Padre Avram, our fearless leader, praying his Liturgy of the Hours before flying... Possibly he was praying that the 30 pilgrims wouldn't drive him crazy on our 14-day pilgrimage?? :0)
What a blessing for us to have a father & son team on the trip! Andrew was such a trooper putting up with all of us -- uhmmm...older people...
What a blessing for us to have a father & son team on the trip! Andrew was such a trooper putting up with all of us -- uhmmm...older people...
Had to get a photo of Vince on the plane...couldn't have been that he found it amusing to tease us??? Nah!
Our Paris flight attendant...HE LOOKS LIKE FRODO!!
Dear Liz: I could imagine how lucky your family is for you. It was just a passing moment that I saw you praying under the huge columns of St. Peter's. And here you are, keeping all the blessings you received from the pilgrimage: Encountering Jesus and His love in everything you do... I enjoyed looking at the photos of your pilgrimage. And I am glad, somehow i was made part of it. Take care and keep well. Thank you ever so much for keeping in touch. I admire you for it. Fr. RJ Pinero.
Oh you have no idea how finding your comment on my blog today, at this moment, is an answer to prayer!!!
I emailed Fr. Bong to tell him "hello" for you & asked if he had a way for me to contact you. BUT HERE YOU ARE ON MY BLOG (an unfinished blog!). BUT YOU ARE HERE!
My email address is lizzyk3@sbcglobal.net and I would love to hear from you!
Meeting you at St. Peter's during my prayer escape was another answer to prayer!
Thank you for your Holy Priesthood & thank you for finding my blog!
Hope to hear from you soon.
Peace & blessings, Liz
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