This is in Medjugorje, Bosnia-Herzegovina --
and if you look closely in the top left corner, I believe you see the cross from Cross Mountain, Mt. Krizevak
HERE'S THE STEUBENVILLE, OHIO BRIDGE -- don't they look a lot alike???
Here's the funny story of WHY I would remember a bridge from our short vacation out to Steubenville.
FIRST, I LOVE WATER, AND I LOVE BRIDGES...but I mostly like "seeing" bridges -- okay, I'm a fair-weathered bridge person. Maybe I saw too many of the documentaries of the bridges swaying and cars falling off in the storms, etc.
Okay, we were out in Ohio for a vacation to see Franciscan Steubenville University and also to spend a week at Catholic Family Land. Upon arrival I see this huge bridge and I think, "Whew, thank goodness we're not going into West Virginia, that bridge looks like it's hanging from THREADS." ha ha
Well one day at camp it was so humid that I decided to drive back to our hotel & shower & take a long nap (who me??). I got slightly turned around leaving the hotel because "I" was driving & not Pat.
So, I'm yaking on my cell phone to, thankfully of all people, Father Avram although he was back in Redding, he lived in Steubenville for years! I say, "I think I took a wrong turn. OH, NO, I'M GOING INTO WEST VIRGINIA & WE'RE HAVING A HORRIBLE DOWNPOUR & THUNDERSTORM! I'M GOING OVER THAT BRIDGE. HELP! WHERE DO I GO? How do I get to Catholic Family Land?"
Too late, I was heading over the bridge in a terrible down pour and I hadn't yet driven the rental car, so I had no clue where the wipers were, I'm on the phone, trying to get directions, and I know I'm headed into another state without my family, and NO CLUE HOW TO GET TO THEM...PLUS I'M GOING ACROSS THAT SCARY LOOKING BRIDGE ALONE IN A STORM!
Well, okay, I'm exaggerating a little on how afraid I am of bridges, but I do prefer looking at them over driving over one in a STORM!
Amazing how certain things stick out in our memories -- like the times that we're practically terrified!